When you can do a common thing in an uncommon way;
you will command the attention of the world.
- George Washington Carver
Hi, I'm Ben.
General Assembly
UX Design Certification
Auburn University
B.S. Apparel Design
The Art Institute of Seattle
A.A. Visual Communication
Andy's Floor Covering
Installer (2018-Present)
Outdoor Research
Warehouse (2018-2019)
Gear For Sports
Design Intern (2017)
Facilities (2010-2012)
I have taken a very round about path to get here. I'm a born and raised Seattle native but I've lived in all four corners of the U.S. and parts between, mostly around army bases, as I was one of the ever elusive male army spouses. With the associated army moves came experience in a wide variety of jobs; from loading trucks and laying floors to framing pictures and graphic design. Now that I'm done with moving around and have the opportunity to pursue my interests, I'm very excited to explore, learn and find my place in the design community.
My interests and education have always led me back to creative areas such as illustration, graphic design and apparel design and, most recently, UX design. What I've realized through my life and work experience is that what really drives my creativity is solving problems through design and process, and learning new skills from the many talented people I've been fortunate enough to know. Whether it's drawing, sharpening a knife or spreading cement, the hows, whys and why nots are fascinating.
Aside from these bits about me, I'm very much into outdoor activities like hiking, backpacking, climbing, skiing and others. With these activities comes an unhealthy addiction to the associated gear. But I've convinced myself that there are worse habits to have.